Monday, February 16, 2015

God's Creation, The Fall of Lucifer, and the Rise of the Messiah

This is a three-part video. The first is the Creation of the Universe by the Word of God, including the creation of the angels and the origin of Lucifer
The second is the Fall of Lucifer. While I do use Ezekiel 28:12-19 and Isaiah 14:12-15 to explain the fall of Lucifer, Lucifer's first speech is merely a construction that I myself made, which I based it upon certain verses of the Bible. I tried to be as faithful to the scriptures as possible when constructing what Lucifer might have said to God when wickedness was found in his heart. I also mention the fall of other angels who lusted after women and gave birth to the Nephilim.
Then, I move on to the third and final part, the rise of the Promised Messiah. I give several speeches, each one concerning every single name and title that is given to Jesus Christ.
Here is a google doc link to my narration speech with all the Bible verses used:
 Almost 99% of my narration is taken straight from the Bible.
One thing I might regret is that the music sometimes overpowers my voice. Despite that, I believe you can still clearly make out what I'm saying.
I own none of the vids and music used in this video.

Thanks and Credit:
All Glory, Honor, and Praise goes to my Triune God, to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Archangelclk- for the concept to my vid and his "Love like fire" music vid
Roma Downey & Mark Burnett- For the Bible Series Extended Look trailer
Sevenfold Films & Creation Science Evangelism- for both Genesis Series teaser trailers
Michaelegit- for the Creation of the world vid
Guy Tourgeman- for the earth zoom to universe vid
Blizzard Entertainment- for the Diablo 3 cinematic scenes
Konami & MercurySteam- for the Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 trailer
Vigil Games and THQ- for the Darksiders 2 trailers & commercial

The Audiomachine- The New Earth 0:00
Frozen Synapse OST- Deeper 3:06
Has Zimmer- Time 5:40
Audiomachine- Gaurdians at the Gate 8:52
Audiomachine- Epica 10:56
Two Steps From Hell- Love & Loss 15:39
Audiomachine- The Odyssey 17:28
Epic Score- Rightful Heir 20:51
Immediate Music- Serenata Immortale 23:17
Audiomachine- Reaching 26:56
God's blessings to you all, my Friends.
One Love, One Joy, One Peace = Jesus Christ

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